spotted – mclaren at Sathon area, Bangkok

Karkrub story

Ben, with his laid-back Aussie charm and a penchant for adventure, landed in Bangkok with a single goal: to feast his eyes on the tallest building in the city, a modern-day Tower of Babel that seemed to tickle the underbelly of the heavens. With a wide-brimmed hat slapped onto his head and a camera slung around his neck, Ben set out from his hostel, already dripping with sweat in the Bangkok heat.

As he navigated the maze of streets, bustling with life and echoing with the symphony of city sounds, Ben’s attention was suddenly hijacked by a sight so stunning, it could make a grown kangaroo weep. Parked with an air of nonchalance by the curb was a car, a McLaren, painted in a shade of red that would put the fieriest Australian sunset to shame.

Ben circled the car with a mix of reverence and awe, his blue eyes reflecting the sheen of the car. Back home, his trusty Ute was his pride and joy, but this, this was a different beast. A beast that whispered of speed, luxury, and a bit of devil-may-care attitude. Ben, feeling a rush of adrenaline, decided to capture this moment. He fumbled with his camera, his fingers trembling with excitement, and took a selfie with the car, trying to channel his inner racing driver but ending up looking more like a kangaroo caught in headlights.

Just then, the owner, a stylish local with a grin as dazzling as his car, appeared. “Nice car, eh mate?” he said, his English tinged with a friendly Thai lilt. Ben, startled and slightly embarrassed, managed a sheepish “Yeah, she’s a beaut!” before launching into a rambling apology for his impromptu photoshoot.

The owner, however, was more amused than offended. “Want a better picture with her? I can take it for you,” he offered, his hospitality as warm as the Thai sun. Ben, his face now mirroring the color of the McLaren, agreed eagerly. The owner took several photos, directing Ben like a seasoned photographer, getting him to pose with the car like a celebrity.

Taking it a step further, the owner invited Ben to sit in the driver’s seat. As Ben slid into the seat, a grin spread across his face, his heart racing like he was back home surfing a giant wave. The interior of the McLaren was a cocoon of luxury, every detail meticulously crafted. Ben felt like he had been transported into a different world, one where he was the star of his own action movie.

After a few exhilarating minutes, Ben thanked the owner, his gratitude overflowing. He bid farewell to the McLaren, feeling a twinge of sadness, like saying goodbye to a dream. But the tallest building in Bangkok still awaited him.

As he continued his journey, the image of the red McLaren lingered in his mind, a vivid contrast to the grey concrete of the city’s skyscrapers. Reaching the base of the tallest building, Ben looked up, squinting against the sun. The building soared into the sky, majestic and imposing. Yet, in Ben’s mind, it couldn’t hold a candle to the thrill of the red McLaren.

With a chuckle, Ben thought to himself, “This building’s tall alright, but it sure doesn’t have the same horsepower.” And with that amusing thought, Ben, the impromptu McLaren enthusiast, continued his exploration, the memory of the red sports car fueling his adventurous spirit in the bustling city of Bangkok.

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