2019 Toyota Supra A90 in Bangkok

Karkrub story

In the streets of Bangkok, amid the aromatic food stalls and the mesmerizing temples, Pichai had an unexpected encounter. No, he didn’t bump into a long-lost relative or stumble upon a forgotten wallet filled with cash. He spotted a 2019 Toyota Supra A90 in pristine white in the Ladprao area. The sighting was so extraordinary, one might say it was like spotting a unicorn in a bustling downtown market!

Now, to an outsider, this might seem like an everyday car-spotting event. But for Pichai, this was no ordinary car; it was a trip down memory lane. You see, Pichai used to own the exact same model back in his homeland, before the fateful day he decided to trade his Supra for a ticket to the Land of Smiles.

The car wasn’t just a mode of transport for Pichai. It was his wingman. With its sleek design and roaring engine, it played a crucial role in impressing potential dates. And oh boy, did it succeed! Pichai fondly recalled the numerous occasions when he’d been complimented, “Wow, Pichai! Nice car!” To which he’d modestly reply, “Oh this old thing?” while mentally giving himself a high five.

Pichai’s move to Thailand was not without its adventures. He had to adjust to a new culture, new food, and most importantly, to the absence of his beloved Supra. The tuk-tuks in Bangkok were charming, and the bike taxis were efficient, but none of them came close to giving him the thrill of driving his Supra on an open road.

Now, back to Ladprao. As Pichai was slurping down some spicy noodles, he heard a familiar rev. He almost choked on his food! There it was, the Toyota Supra A90 in all its glory, looking as if it had just been driven off the showroom floor.

“Is this the universe trying to tell me something?” Pichai wondered. He approached the car and circled it, much like a lion would its prey, admiring its curves and finishes. He chuckled at the thought of how he used to clean the car every Sunday with a toothbrush, ensuring every nook and cranny sparkled.

Just then, the owner of the car, a stylish young Thai man with slicked-back hair and flashy sunglasses, emerged from a nearby shop. Seeing Pichai admiring the car, he grinned and asked, “You like?”

Pichai responded in his best Thai, “Chân mī rot nī̀ trước khi,” which meant, “I had this car before.” The young man looked at him, clearly amused, and replied, “You? With this beauty? Prove it!”

Pichai, never one to back down from a challenge, whipped out his phone and started scrolling through his gallery, finally stopping at a picture of him proudly leaning against the Supra with a big cheesy grin. “See?” Pichai declared triumphantly.

The owner burst into laughter and said, “That’s amazing! But tell me, why would you ever let go of such a gem?”

Pichai sighed, “For love.” The young man raised an eyebrow. Pichai winked, “Love for Thailand!”

The two of them shared a hearty laugh, swapped some more Supra stories, and took a few selfies with the car. The young owner even offered Pichai a short ride, which he eagerly accepted.

As they cruised through the streets of Bangkok, with the wind in their hair and the roar of the engine in their ears, Pichai felt a rush of nostalgia. The joyrides, the road trips, the racing challenges – every memory associated with his Supra came flooding back.

By the time they returned to Ladprao, Pichai had a new friend, and while he still missed his Supra, he was reminded that memories never truly fade. They live on, waiting for the right moment, or in this case, the right car, to bring them back to life.

And so, in the heart of Bangkok, amidst the hustle and bustle, Pichai reconnected with a piece of his past, and in doing so, created a new memory that he would cherish forever.

In the end, it’s not about the car, but the journey and the stories that come with it.

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