Karkrub Car History – October 18

Karkrub story

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Automotive Achievements, Milestones, and Stories for October 18

  1. First Transcontinental Trip by a Woman (1910): Alice Huyler Ramsey, a 22-year-old housewife and mother from Hackensack, New Jersey, became the first woman to drive across the United States. While she completed her journey earlier in the year, by October 18, she was already garnering national recognition, touring and giving talks about her incredible journey.
  2. Studebaker Production Ceased (1962): Studebaker, the only American automaker to transition from building horse-drawn carriages to cars, ceased its car production at its South Bend, Indiana, facility on this day. Though the company would continue to produce vehicles in Canada for a few more years, this marked the end of an era for the once-prominent American brand.
  3. Gulf Oil Embargo (1973): This day in 1973 marked a significant shift in global politics and automotive reliance on oil when OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) proclaimed an oil embargo targeted at nations perceived as supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War. This event drastically impacted the automotive industry worldwide, resulting in significant increases in fuel prices and leading to the development of more fuel-efficient vehicles.
  4. Japanese Supercar Introduction (2007): On this day, Nissan showcased the GT-R, its flagship performance vehicle, at the Tokyo Motor Show. It boasted a 3.8-liter twin-turbocharged V6 engine, delivering 480 horsepower. This car would go on to challenge established European supercars on tracks worldwide.
  5. Tesla’s Autopilot Milestone (2016): On October 18, Tesla announced that all of its cars would be equipped with the necessary hardware for full self-driving capability, taking a significant leap toward autonomous driving. Elon Musk claimed that the system would be “five to ten times safer” than a human driver.
  6. Race to Electric (2018): In pursuit of electric mobility, many automakers announced aggressive plans around this date. On October 18, 2018, Volvo pledged that electric vehicles (EVs) would make up 50% of its sales by 2025, emphasizing its commitment to sustainable transportation.
  7. Asian Automotive History – Tata Nano (2008): Considered the world’s most affordable car at the time, India’s Tata Motors started delivering the first Tata Nano cars to their customers on this day. It was a significant moment for the Asian automotive industry, showcasing the region’s ability to innovate and cater to its vast emerging market.
  8. Thailand Automotive History – Multi-brand Manufacturing Plant (2000): October 18 marked an essential day for Thailand’s automotive industry when General Motors opened its first multi-brand manufacturing plant in Rayong. This facility symbolized Thailand’s growing prominence as an automotive manufacturing hub in Southeast Asia.
  9. Safety Initiatives (2015): Recognizing the increasing number of automotive accidents worldwide, the United Nations launched the “Decade of Action for Road Safety” campaign on this day in 2015. This global initiative aimed to save millions of lives by improving the safety of roads, vehicles, and people’s behavior.
  10. Pioneering the Skies (1909): Though not strictly car-related, it’s worth noting that on October 18, 1909, a French pilot, Henri Rougier, won the first-ever “reliability” air race, the Michelin Cup. This event indicated that the Michelin brothers, famed for their tire manufacturing, were keen to push boundaries in both the automotive and aeronautical spheres.

These ten milestones highlight the breadth and depth of the automotive industry’s achievements, innovations, and challenges on October 18 throughout history. From technological advancements and sustainability goals to historical moments in Asian and Thai automotive sectors, the world of cars is ever-evolving and never dull.

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