Spotted – Lamborghini Urus at Central Embassy

Karkrub story

Spots and Spurts: An Urus in Bangkok

It was an evening like any other. I had just stepped out of my workplace in Central Embassy, with a weary heart and aching feet. As I made my way to the parking lot, dreams of a hot bowl of Tom Yum soup danced in my mind. But what I found in the parking lot wasn’t a bowl of soup. No, it was something hotter and definitely spicier: a gleaming Lamborghini Urus.

Let me paint the scene for you: there, amidst the regular sedans and tired-looking motorbikes, stood this majestic beast of a car, as if it had come straight out of a Transformer movie. The deep hue of its paint sparkled under the neon lights of Bangkok’s twilight, making it look like a shimmering jewel amidst a sea of pebbles.

Now, I’m not usually one to be easily impressed by cars. My trusty old scooter, Mr. Zoom-Zoom, had always been more than enough for me. But this, this was something else.

As I ogled, the hilarious idea hit me: “What if I pretended it was mine?” So, I waited, hoping the actual owner was probably too busy shopping for yet another gold-plated something.

Soon enough, a group of tourists strolled by. One of them, a lady with a camera bigger than her head, stopped and asked, “Is this your car?”

“Absolutely,” I said, puffing my chest out and putting on my best millionaire-playboy face. “Just picked it up yesterday. You know, a gift to myself for… saving a cat from a tree.”

The lady looked both impressed and confused. “That’s… quite the reward for such an act.”

“Oh, but it wasn’t just any cat,” I replied, trying to keep a straight face. “It was the royal cat of Bangkok!”

The tourists erupted in laughter. “Well then, sir, you indeed deserve this car!” she said, snapping a few pictures of me beside it.

Feeling bolder, I leaned against the Urus and began a fictitious story about my adventures with the “Royal Cat”. Before I knew it, I had gathered quite the crowd, all laughing and snapping photos with the “hero” and his “prize”.

Just when I thought I’d have a story for the ages, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I found myself face-to-face with a burly security guard. For a moment, I imagined the headlines: “Local Man Arrested for Pretending to Own a Lamborghini.”

To my surprise, the guard broke into a wide smile. “Sir, that was hilarious! I haven’t laughed this much in ages!” he chuckled.

Relieved, I laughed too. “I just couldn’t resist! But don’t worry, I’ll leave before the actual owner returns.”

Just then, a stylish lady approached, keys jingling in her hand. The crowd and I exchanged worried glances. The owner was here.

She raised an eyebrow, scanning the crowd, then the car, then finally settling her gaze on me. “Enjoying my car?” she asked, amusement twinkling in her eyes.

Caught red-handed, I could only muster, “It’s… uh, quite the car, ma’am.”

She laughed, “It seems you’ve given it quite the backstory too. Royal cat, was it?” Joining in on the joke, she winked, “Just make sure you return it once you’re done saving Bangkok’s feline royalty.”

The crowd erupted in laughter once more, and I couldn’t help but join in. It turned out that this chance encounter with a Lamborghini Urus, a group of tourists, and a witty owner was just the comedic relief I needed after a tiring day at work.

As the night darkened and the crowd dispersed, I sat on Mr. Zoom-Zoom, revving him a little louder than usual, wearing a grin that stretched from ear to ear. The day might not have started specially, but it sure ended in an unforgettable way.

That evening, the Tom Yum tasted spicier, my sleep was deeper, and the memory of the Lamborghini Urus at Central Embassy’s parking lot? Well, that would stay with me forever, reminding me of the day I became Bangkok’s most famous “Lambo owner”, even if just for a few laugh-filled moments.

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