
Spotted – The Toyota Land Cruiser 100 Series Adventure in Hua Hin

Karkrub Story

There we were, cruising along the scenic roads of Hua Hin in Thailand, my family and I, when a sight caught my eye and instantly sent my heart racing. “Look, look, there it is!” I exclaimed, pointing animatedly out of the car window.

“Where? What is it?” my younger sister asked, squinting her eyes, more interested in her ice cream cone than whatever had caught my attention.

Out on the road, bathed in the golden sunlight of Hua Hin, stood the majestic Toyota Land Cruiser 100 Series. It was like seeing a movie star in person. My heart did a little jig. Why? Because my dear Uncle Somchai, the man who introduced me to the world of automobiles, had often raved about this legendary machine. He had a way of describing cars that made them seem like characters from an epic tale.

“Ah, the Land Cruiser! The gentle giant of the roads. Strong like a buffalo, but with the heart of a playful kitten,” he would say with a chuckle, drawing a picture of the car in the air with his hands.

Now, spotting the Land Cruiser on our family road trip was a moment of sheer serendipity. As I pointed it out, I turned to my dad, “Quick! Dad, take a photo!” I pleaded.

Dad, being Dad, fumbled with his new smartphone, squinting at the screen. “Which button do I press? This one?” he asked, accidentally opening a cooking app. “No, Dad! The camera!” I laughed.

Meanwhile, the Land Cruiser was gliding smoothly past us. Time seemed to be moving in slow motion. My sister, sensing the urgency (and maybe wanting to save her ice cream from the sun), snatched the phone from Dad and clicked away, capturing the car in all its glory.

It felt special, spotting the Land Cruiser that day. Perhaps it was because earlier in the morning, I’d managed to haggle and get a great deal on some souvenirs for the family. My bargaining skills had earned me some proud nods from Mum and a high five from my sister (once she was done with her ice cream, of course). It was turning out to be an unforgettable day.

As we continued on our journey, my mind drifted back to those Sunday afternoons with Uncle Somchai. He’d always turn our car lessons into hilarious adventures. Once, he tried to demonstrate how an engine works using a pot of boiling water, a rubber duck, and a whistle. Let’s just say the duck had seen better days by the end of that lesson.

Every car had a personality and a humorous story according to Uncle Somchai. I often imagined these cars coming to life, just like in cartoons, chatting away about their road adventures. The Land Cruiser, with its commanding presence, would probably be the wise, older character with endless tales from its travels, I thought.

While lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice that my family had hatched a playful plan. My sister tapped my shoulder, “Hey, Mr. Bargain Expert, bet you can’t guess how much I bought this hat for?” She flaunted a wide-brimmed hat, perfect for the Thai sun.

I took the bait, “Hmm… 300 Baht?”

She giggled, “Nope! Just 50 Baht. Looks like someone else is becoming a bargaining pro!” she teased.

Mum joined in, “And guess how much for these lovely bamboo fans?” She waved them dramatically, fanning Dad who pretended to be dramatically cooled down by them.

The rest of the journey was filled with laughter, silly bargaining challenges, and more car spotting. Every vehicle we saw was accompanied by a made-up Uncle Somchai-style story. From the “sporty scooter with the spirit of a cheetah” to the “tuk-tuk that dreamed of being a limousine,” our journey was filled with imaginary tales.

As the sun began to set, painting the Thai sky in hues of orange and pink, I leaned back, content. The image of the Toyota Land Cruiser 100 Series, the laughter echoing in the car, and the playful banter made it a day to remember.

All thanks to a road trip, a legendary car, and the infectious spirit of Uncle Somchai’s love for automobiles. A simple day, yet one that would be cherished forever.

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