Karkrub top – Bangkok Rolls-Royce Accident: Businesswoman Files Complaint

Karkrub Story
Sun Yuhan, a 38-year-old Chinese businesswoman who owns restaurants in Bangkok and Pattaya, is seeking legal action following a car accident that resulted in substantial damage to her 32-million-baht Rolls-Royce. On her way to a garage in Bangkok for a routine vehicle check, she was rear-ended by a pickup truck driven by a 23-year-old man identified only as Pongthep, resulting in damages estimated at over one million baht.

Following the accident, both vehicles were parked, and Yuhan attempted to communicate with Pongthep. As she cannot speak Thai, she gestured with her hands for him to meet her later at the garage she was headed to. Pongthep later claimed that he understood her to say she was not bothered by the accident after communicating through translation software.

Yuhan’s lawyer, Anirut Khongsap, strongly refutes this claim, stating that this was a case of miscommunication. He has emphasized that his client was indeed concerned about the damage and denies reports that she was untroubled by the incident. Yuhan was deeply shocked by the reports and sought legal counsel to clear her name and assert her rights.

Khongsap also made it clear that Yuhan denies having braked abruptly before the accident, which could have led to questions about her responsibility for the collision. He confirmed that the Rolls-Royce was covered by first-class insurance but reiterated that the Chinese woman was firm in asserting she was not at fault. Hence, she proceeded to file a complaint with the police.

Pol Lt Col Sophon Komolsutthi, a deputy chief interrogator of highway police, received Yuhan’s complaint. He acknowledged that the pickup driver did not attempt to flee the scene and stated that he would report to the police as ordered. He further revealed that the police would examine surveillance camera footage from the highway as part of their thorough investigation into the incident. This footage could play a crucial role in determining fault and substantiating the claims made by both parties.

The story has captured attention, not only because of the high value of the vehicle involved but also due to the complexity of the situation, including the language barrier and conflicting accounts of the events following the accident. It underscores the challenges that can arise in cross-cultural communication, especially in stressful situations like car accidents.

In conclusion, the incident involving Sun Yuhan’s Rolls-Royce and Pongthep’s pickup truck has led to a legal dispute, with Yuhan seeking compensation for the damages and asserting her innocence. The case is now in the hands of the police, and the outcome may hinge on their examination of the available evidence, including surveillance footage. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of clear communication and understanding, particularly in unexpected and challenging circumstances.

16 AUG 2023 AT 16:00

The information provided is credited to the original source:

Source: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2630637. Bangkok Post © Bangkok Post PCL. Image is credited to springnews.co.th

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