Top 10 car laws you must know -Drive Right in Thailand

Thailand has some unique automotive and road laws that may differ from other countries.

Here are the top 10:

  1. Wearing a Seatbelt: It is mandatory for all passengers in the vehicle, including those sitting in the back, to wear seatbelts.
  2. No Driving Shirtless: It is illegal for drivers and passengers to drive shirtless. This law applies to both motorbikes and cars.
  3. No Public Display of Affection: Kissing or hugging while driving is prohibited as it may distract the driver and lead to accidents.
  4. No Eating or Drinking While Driving: Drivers are not allowed to eat or drink while driving, except for water.
  5. No Honking in Certain Areas: Honking is not allowed in certain areas, especially near hospitals, schools, and temples.
  6. Daytime Headlights: It is mandatory for vehicles to have their headlights on at all times, even during the day.
  7. No U-Turns on Intersections: Making a U-turn at intersections is generally not allowed in Thailand.
  8. No Overtaking at Railroad Crossings: It is illegal to overtake other vehicles at railroad crossings.
  9. No Using Mobile Phones While Driving: Using a mobile phone while driving is prohibited, except for hands-free systems.
  10. No Pets on Motorbikes: It is illegal to carry pets on motorbikes as it poses a safety risk.

It’s important to note that laws can change over time, so it’s always best to check for the most up-to-date information before driving in Thailand. Adhering to these unique laws will help ensure a safe and pleasant driving experience in the country.

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